- 文件视图,Cfr a meWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock Ge
- 位图装入、显示的c++类。 使用方法: 1 构造类的一个实例对象: 空实例 CDIB bmp() 用资源号构造 CDIB bmp(nResID) 用文件构造 CDIB bmp(\"PATH//Filename.bmp\") 2 若1步构造的是空实例对象,则须装入位图: 从文件装入 BOOL bmp.LoadFromFile(\"PATH//Filename.bmp\") 从资源装入 BO
- 可通过Windows API GetDC函数可以得到自己的hDC,但使用完,一定要用ReleaseDC功能退出。一旦你有了device context,你可用适合你的应用程序的Windows API图表来使用它。例如,在一个应用程序里,这个应用程序能够在地图点位上提供图符设制,你就可以象如下程序:
- Rectangle GetDC SetROP2 ReleaseDC CreateRectRgn SelectClipRgn DeleteObject SelectObject CreatePen CreateSolidBrush SetTextColor SetBkColor SetRect LockResource UnlockResource GetCursor LoadCursor GetStockObject LineTo Se
- Delphi中使用DirectDraw技术进行图形处理.-Delphi DirectDraw technology for the use of graphics.
- 文件视图,Cfr a meWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock Ge
- 位图装入、显示的c++类。 使用方法: 1 构造类的一个实例对象: 空实例 CDIB bmp() 用资源号构造 CDIB bmp(nResID) 用文件构造 CDIB bmp("PATH//Filename.bmp") 2 若1步构造的是空实例对象,则须装入位图: 从文件装入 BOOL bmp.LoadFromFile("PATH//Filename.bmp") 从资源装入 BOOL b
- 可通过Windows API GetDC函数可以得到自己的hDC,但使用完,一定要用ReleaseDC功能退出。一旦你有了device context,你可用适合你的应用程序的Windows API图表来使用它。例如,在一个应用程序里,这个应用程序能够在地图点位上提供图符设制,你就可以象如下程序:-Through the Windows API GetDC function can be their own hDC, but the u
- Rectangle GetDC SetROP2 ReleaseDC CreateRectRgn SelectClipRgn DeleteObject SelectObject CreatePen CreateSolidBrush SetTextColor SetBkColor SetRect LockResource UnlockResource GetCursor LoadCursor GetStockObject LineTo Se
- 在窗口中画一个矩形。参数hdc为绘图设备上下文句柄,你可以用GetDC()之类的函数获取-Painting in a rectangular window. Hdc parameters for the graphics device context handle, you can use GetDC () function to obtain such
- This small code sample shows how to obtain the RGB color of any pixel under the cursor. The code uses a timer control to fire events ever 100 th of a second and then uses the GetPixel, GetCursorPos, and GetDC Win
- MFC例程LRESULT CALLBACK WNDFUN (HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch (msg) { case WM_PAINT: { HDC hdc = GetDC(hWnd) SetBkMode(hdc,TRANSPARENT) TextOut(hdc,20,20,"明
- ExportFromMapObject Public Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Public Declare Function
- 这个代码演示了调用一个C语言编写的DLL如何旋转指定的图片(附C源代码),支持360度图片平滑旋转,掩码色改变,甚至可以调整图片透明度、亮度、色相、饱和度、大小缩放等图片常用的值。 代码兼容Win98至Win7环境 *修复: GetDC引起内存泄露 -This code demonstrates calling a DLL written in C language specifies how to rotate a p
- 我的颜色拾取器。 HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL) 特别重要,取得是SCREEN的DC-My color picker. HDC hdc =:: GetDC (NULL) particularly important to obtain a DC-SCREEN
- 主要讲解了在SDK编程中BeginPaint与GetDC 的区别,很多时候的闪屏问题都是由此而来-Mainly explained in the SDK programming BeginPaint with GetDC difference, often the problem is the resulting splash screen
- 写字板WinCE 上面开发的写字板,可以实现Windows上开发板的基本功能-wordpad CWnd CDialog CDataExchange MessageBeep EndDialog Cfr a meWnd SendMessage LoadString lstrlen lstrcpy CWinApp CString CCommandLineInfo CSingleDocTemplate ShowWindow UpdateWind
- 独立开发一个MFC绘图程序,基于“文档-视图”结构,在客户区能够完成- void CDopicDlg::OnBnClickedQuse() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 CDC* m_dc CRect m_rect m_pic.GetClientRect(m_rect) m_dc = m_pic.GetDC() int r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2
- This small code sample shows how to obtain the RGB color of any pixel under the cursor.The code uses a timer control to fire events ever 100 th of a second and then uses the GetPixel, GetCursorPos, and GetDC WinAPI calls
- This small code sample shows how to obtain the RGB color of any pixel under the cursor.The code uses a timer control to fire events ever 100 th of a second and then uses the GetPixel, GetCursorPos, and GetDC WinAPI calls