- Simple GA code (Pascal code from Goldberg, D. E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning.) -Simple GA code (Pascal code from Goldberg. D. E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optim
- The Complete Roll Playing Game Engine is an engine that can be used to create roll playing games. It includes programs to build characters, monsters, and worlds. cRPGe currently uses the AD&D rules set. This is an i
- 企鹅推冰块游戏,A,D左右移动.K,M上下移动- The penguin pushes the ice piece game, A, about D moves K, M reciprocated
- 21天学会用JAVA开发网络游戏 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 287 KB 书籍等级: 整理时间: 2004-11-3 20:41:10 With all of the media attention that is focused on the Internet and the World Wide Web, figuring
- Simple GA code (Pascal code from Goldberg, D. E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning.) -Simple GA code (Pascal code from Goldberg. D. E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optim
- The Complete Roll Playing Game Engine is an engine that can be used to create roll playing games. It includes programs to build characters, monsters, and worlds. cRPGe currently uses the AD&D rules set. This is an i
- flash 键盘音效取自win2000系统ding.wav,经过CoolEdit处理成音阶,在Flash中导入在相应按钮上。 没有难度,就是耐心一点,成绩不错哦! 对应表: 低音G-a #G-w A-s #A-e B-d 中音C-f #C-t D-g #D-y E-h F-j #F-i G-k #G-o A-l #A-p B- 高音C-1 D-2 E-3 F-4 G-5 A-6 B-7 C(high)
- dnf外挂源码 by moonyrobin-dnf game hook creaker by moonyrobin
- 直流电机智能数模混合PWM的研究及应用 - y yy y d df d fg yd f h yg fj s fa ga d fg r ga
- ES D evolution strategies GA D genetic algorithm ...... One of the first applications of genetic algorithms in explained here -ES D evolution strategies GA D genetic algorithm ...... One of the first applications of ge
- 遗传算法求解最优解求函数的最大值 : f(x,y)=21.5+x*sin(4*PI*x)+y*sin(20*PI*y) | 定义域 D: -3 <=x <=12.1 , 4.1 <=y <=5.8 | | 注: 目前最好结果:f(11.6255448,5.7250441)=38.8502944790207 -failed to translate
- 一种纠3错BCH译码器的FPGA设计文章基于一种较新颖的纠3错BcH码逐步译码算法和结构原型,提出了BCH 译码器的完整实用化结构,采用FPeA设计并实现了纠3错BCH(31,16)译码器。该译码 方案的特点是主体结构通用、资源占用少、运行速度高,非常适合于需要对传输帧的帧头实 施特殊保护的数据传输应用场合。 主题词壁垒旦堡璺塑三堡£里堡垒 O 引-Based on a noVel step.by—step deco
- DOA估计中,MIMO算法源程序,这个是收发多径都考虑的情况-DOA estimation, MIMO algorithm source code, this is a send and receive multi-path have to take into account
- 遗传算法,很好,我们老师写得代码,同学们都在用-a very good thing,you d better have a try.
- 用遗传算法解决TSP问题,和AFORGE.d-genetic algorithm to solve TSP with C#
- 一个带数据的遗传优化神经网络算法,运行前在matlab输入A=load(D:\数据.txt) -A data genetic optimization of neural network algorithm, before running in MATLAB input A=load (D:\ data.Txt)
- 设 计与 实 现了 一种 以 F P GA 为核 心 的实 时 频 谱分 析 系 统。 系 统 包含 实时 频 谱 监 测 和 实 时 频 谱仪 2 种 频 谱分 析 模式 。 实 时频 谱 监 测 模 式采 用 F F T 算法 设 计实 现 , 用 于 对信 号 的 实时 监 测 实 时 频 谱 仪 模 式 采 用 D F T 算法 设计 实 现, 用于 信 号的 细致 分 析。 实验 证 明 , 系 统 充
- tspData <- read.csv( D:\\weka\\hw\\TSP.csv , header = T, sep = , ) #tspData <- `colnames<-`(tspData,c(1:8)) D <- as.matrix(tspData) tourLength <- function(tour, distMatrix) { tour <- c(tour, tou
- 人工智能及其应用蔡自兴第五版计算智能部分中遗传算法最优计算的自己编写的求解例题- 39/5000 Réngōng zhìnéng jí qí yìngyòng càizìxìng dì wǔ bǎn jìsuàn zhìnéng bùfèn zhōng yíchuán suànfǎ zuì yōu jìsuàn de zìjǐ biānxiě de qiújiě lìtí Artificial Intelligence an