- The purpose of this chapter is to present a survey of recent publications concerning medical image registration techniques. These publications will be classified according to a model based on nine salient criteria, t
- This a camera calibration toolbox for generic lenses. The toolbox can be used to calibrate conventional, wide-angle and fish-eye lens cameras. The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The int
- The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images.
- The purpose of this chapter is to present a survey of recent publications concerning medical image registration techniques. These publications will be classified according to a model based on nine salient criteria, t
- This a camera calibration toolbox for generic lenses. The toolbox can be used to calibrate conventional, wide-angle and fish-eye lens cameras. The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The int
- The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images.
- EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts are useful for characterizing the convergence properties and the performance of turbo receivers. Turbo receivers are generally constructed from two or more Soft Input Soft Out
- EXIT图,外信息转移图,对做迭代分析的非常有帮助。-EXIT chart, extrinsic information transfer chart, right to do iterative analysis very helpful.
- 摄像头标定程序,基于OPECV,获得内部参数和外部参数,包括旋转矩阵,平移矩阵和两摄像头结构矩阵,-camera calibration, based on OPENCV, get intrinsic and extrinsic parameter, also get the structure parameter for two cameras.
- Abstract—In this letter, we propose an efficient decoding algorithm for turbo product codes as introduced by Pyndiah. The proposed decoder has no performance degradation and reduces the complexity of the original d
- Turbo均衡的性能评估 通过外信息的计算 采用BCJR算法进行软译码-Turbo equalization extrinsic information
- This function implememts Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm in trace back mode Input: rec_s: scaled received bits. rec_s(k) = 0.5 * L_c(k) * y(k) L_c = 4 * a * Es/No, reliability value of the channel y: receiv
- 利用opencv实现的相机参数的标定,包括内外参数,和世界坐标,U矩阵,K矩阵。-Camera Calibration Parameters; Intrinsic Parameters and Extrinsic Parameters, Rotation Matrix, Translation vector
- 内含张正友,tsai的标定方法,可以求解摄像机内参数u轴尺度因子,v轴尺度因子,摄像机外参数:两摄像机坐标系原点之间的旋转矩阵和评议矩阵,可以得出摄像机像素参数,焦距,畸变系数,并且带有优化结果。-Containing Zhang Zhengyou, tsai calibration method that can solve the camera parameters u-axis scale factor v The axis sc
- 利用遗传算法精确标定摄像机的内外参数,一篇不错的文章-Precise calibration of the camera extrinsic and intrinsic parameters using genetic algorithms, a good article
- In geometric camera calibration the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are computed based on measured image coordinates of a know calibration target. These parameters may be used to correct distorted images
- matlab标定工具箱,用于图像标定。 设置 1.File-set path-add folder 添加解压缩的工具箱路径 2.Current Directory:设置为要标定图片的文件夹路径 3.command window 键入 calib 调出标定工具箱 开始标定 read images-extract grid corners-calibration (此为内参数) Comp.Extrinsic 标定
- estimate automatically intrinsics and extrinsic parameters of the camera
- 摄像机标定文献,阐述了摄像机模型,畸变模型和一般的求解过程,以及优化方法-Camera calibration literature on the camera model, distortion model and the solution process, as well as the optimization method
Visual-Inertial SLAM Extrinsic Parameter Calibration Based on Bayesian Optimization
- 这是一篇关于VI-SLAM的优秀学位论文 VI-SLAM (Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) is a popular way for robotics navigation and tracking. With the help of sensor fusion from IMU and camera, VI-SLAM can give a more a