- A book is rarely written alone although a title might have one author, there are a host of midwives who help it into being. First and foremost, thanks go to the Microsoft DirectShow team, who created this technology, and
- M-Tree (P.Ciaccia VLDB’1997) VA-File (R. Weber VLDB’1998) Pyramid-Tree(S.Berchtold SIGMOD’1998) hybrid-Tree(K.Chakrabarti ICDE’1999) A-Tree (Y. Sakurai VLDB’2000) IQ-Tree (S. Berchtold ICDE’2000)
- A book is rarely written alone although a title might have one author, there are a host of midwives who help it into being. First and foremost, thanks go to the Microsoft DirectShow team, who created this technology, and
- M-Tree (P.Ciaccia VLDB’1997) VA-File (R. Weber VLDB’1998) Pyramid-Tree(S.Berchtold SIGMOD’1998) hybrid-Tree(K.Chakrabarti ICDE’1999) A-Tree (Y. Sakurai VLDB’2000) IQ-Tree (S. Berchtold ICDE’2000) -M-Tree (P.
- 电子书,作者:Soumen Chakrabarti。书名:Mining the Web --- Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data-Ebook, author: Soumen Chakrabarti。Title: Mining the Web--- Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data
- COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATIONS Fundamental Limits and Practical Implementation Arnab Chakrabarti Rice University arnychak@rice.edu Ashutosh Sabharwal Rice University ashu@rice.edu Behnaam Aazhang Rice Unive