- CIE中各色域空间的转换,例如:XYZ到RGB,XYZ到Luv,RGB到XYZ,Lab到LHC,RGB到HSV,HSV到RGB-CIE were colored domain space conversion, for example : XYZ to RGB, XYZ to Luv, to XYZ RGB, Lab of the LHC, RGB to HSV, HSV to RGB, etc.
- 用于计算CIE颜色空间的L,a,b值。-used in the calculation of the CIE color space L, a, b value.
- This a CIE color analysis program
- 一個包含完整繪製 CIE Chromaticity Diagrams 的程式, 包含支援 CIE Standard Observer, Color Mstching Functions, 及 CIE 1931, CIE 1960, CIE 1976 等格式.-contains a complete CIE PLL Diagrams mapping programs, including support CIE Standard Ob
- Color Conversion Algorithms.• RGB to HSV & HSV to RGB • RGB to YIQ & YIQ to RGB • RGB to XYZ & XYZ to RGB • XYZ to CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) & CIELAB to XYZ • XYZ to CIELUV & CIELUV to XYZ-Co
- RGB, YCbCr, HSV, HSL, CIE Lab, CIE Luv, CIE Lch等颜色空间相互转化的matlab实现。 -RGB, YCbCr, HSV, HSL, CIE Lab, CIE Luv, Lch CIE color space such as conversion of the Implementation of Matlab.
- CIE中各色域空间的转换,例如:XYZ到RGB,XYZ到Luv,RGB到XYZ,Lab到LHC,RGB到HSV,HSV到RGB-CIE were colored domain space conversion, for example : XYZ to RGB, XYZ to Luv, to XYZ RGB, Lab of the LHC, RGB to HSV, HSV to RGB, etc.
- 颜色科学 第1章色彩学基础.ppt 第2章色度学原理与CIE标准色度学系统.ppt 第3章常用颜色系统.ppt-Chapter 1 Color Science Foundation of color. Ppt Chapter 2 Principles of chroma and CIE standard color system. Ppt Chapter 3 commonly used color system. Ppt
- 计算色差输出的小程序。可以输出两组颜色值之间的CIE色差-Calculation of small color difference output procedures. Can output two sets of color values of the CIE color difference between
- 用delphi写得生成CIE颜色空间图的代码。比如CIEXYZ CIExyY.-Delphi written by CIE color space diagram to generate code. For example, CIEXYZ CIExyY.
- 这个Matlab程序用于颜色空间的转换。可以在RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH)等颜色空间中任意转换。.rar-The Matlab program used for color space conversion. In RGB, YP
- 由色坐标测试色温,excel格式,非常方便,有少许误差-By the color coordinates of the test temperature, excel format, very convenient, there is a little error
- CIE色度图, CIE 1931 RGB, CIE 1931 XYZ, CIE 1931 xyY-CIE chromaticity diagram, CIE 1931 RGB, CIE 1931 XYZ, CIE 1931 xyY
- Convert a color image between color representations. B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the source and destination color spaces
- 计算光谱的CIE。是一个EXE文件,不知道用什么软件编的。此软件非本人编写,请尊重作者版权-Calculated spectrum of CIE. Is an EXE file, I do not know what software for the. Non-I prepared this software, please respect copyright
- A CIE Lab Circle creation with red, green and blue colors.
- Chromaticity CIE 1931-Chromaticity
- It shows Color Light Response according to CIE Standard of following various light type. 1. Illumination A 2. D65 3. Daylight 4. 1931 Color Observer 5. 1964 Color Observer
- 用于荧光光谱的CIE色坐标计算,直接导入光谱txt即可(CIE color coordinate calculation for fluorescence spectrum, directly into the spectrum txt)
- 使用matlab语言实现了cie色度图 啦啦啦啦啦(CIE chromaticity diagram is realized by MATLAB language, which can run directly)