- 6SV 是一个能够计算矢量(偏振)辐射传输的软件包,对于地气、海气等都有子程序进行计算。适用领域比较广。-6SV is able to calculate the vector (polarization) radiative transfer package, for to air, sea and air and others have calculated subroutine. Relatively wide field of
- This the manual for a vector version of the 6S radiative transfer (RT) code (hereafter also referred to as 6SV), capable of accounting for radiation polarization. The manual presents a modified version of the previou
- Radiative Transfer Codes for Atmospheric Correction and Aerosol Retrievals:Intercomparison Study。对比了蒙特卡洛、SHARM\RT3\6SV\MODTRAN等模型在大气校正与气溶胶反演方面的优劣。(Radiative Transfer Codes for Atmospheric Correction and Aerosol Retrieval
6SV 大气校正模型
- 内有GF-1计算6S大气校正模型的案例,换参数即可用,C#,exe(6sv gf-1 A case of 6S atmospheric correction model is calculated.)
- 基于ENVI-IDL利用6S模型构建气溶胶查找表(Using 6S model to construct aerosol lookup table)