- 目 录 译者序 前言 第一部分 程序员必读 第1章 对程序错误的处理 1 1.1 定义自己的错误代码 4 1.2 ErrorShow示例应用程序 5 第2章 Unicode 11 2.1 字符集 11 2.1.1 单字节与双字节字符集 11 2.1.2 Unicode:宽字节字符集 12 2.2 为什么使用Unicode 13 2.3 Windows 2000与Unicode 13 2.4 Windows 98与Unicode 13
- Tutorial on Fortran 90 === === === ==== Bo Einarsson National Supercomputer Centre Linkoeping university SE-581 83 LINKOEPING SWEDEN Tel + 46 13 281432 Fax + 46 13 282535 Email boein@nsc.liu.se
- This paper presents direct and indirect control strategies of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). With the development of information and automation techniques, dynamic voltage problems are once again in spot light. As
- 谱分析,谱的显示,谱光滑,寻峰,峰面积的计算 谱光滑:算术滑动平均法(平均移动法) 寻峰:简单比较法 峰面积计算:线性本底法 分析范围: 351-395道 581-630道 -Introduction of the author: Wenhongming, male, was born in August, 1982 whose tutor was Engineer Fangtongxiu . He gradua
- 合肥工业大学 C++程序设计 实验报告三 习题及对应完整代码 编程产生下列数组,并输出。 ⑴一维数组 1) (1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100) 2) (1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55) 3) (1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89) -C++ programming lab reports, Hefei University of three
- ETAS can581驱动程序,使can卡能在inca软件中应用。必须是can581can卡(The ETAS can581 driver enables can cards to be used in Inca software. It must be can581can card)