- 温度控制器V1.5 显示为三个共阳极LED 温度传感器用单总线DS18B20 CPU为2051,四个按键,分别为UP,DOWN,SET 温度调节上限为125度,下限为-55度 只能用于单只18B20-Temperature Controller V1.5 show for a total of three LED anode temperature sensor with single CPU for the bus
- 温度控制器 显示为三个共阳极LED 温度传感器用单总线DS18B20 CPU为89C51,三个按键,分别为UP,DOWN,SET 2个检测, 温度调节上限为125度,下限为-55度-Temperature controller shows a total for the three anode LED temperature sensor with single bus DS18B20CPU for 89C51, t
- 一个按键调速控制,程序里编的用来调LED速度来回走动的速冻分别由1个按键来控制,其中分为慢,中速,快速等-Speed Control of a button, the program used to tune in series LED frozen speed walking back and forth from one key to control, which is divided into slow, medium-speed
- CC2430 基础实验二按键控制开关 让用户掌握 CC2430 的按键应用这一常用人机交互方法,本次实用两个分别控制两个LED 灯。-CC2430 lab two
- 使用键盘上的上、下、左、右四个按键,可以分别控制led1,2,3,4, 每个LED 对应的Port 请参考“实验平台介绍”说明文档。要求按下 上面提到的四个按键中间的一个按键后,该按键对应的led 被点亮,持续1 秒钟以后led 熄 灭。-Use the keyboard on the upper and lower, left, and right buttons, can control led1, 2,3,4, each
- CC2430 基础实验二 按键控制开关 1 实验介绍 让用户掌握CC2430 的按键应用这一常用人机交互方法,本次实用两个分别控制两个LED 灯。-Second, the basis of CC2430 experiment 1 button control switch allows users to grasp the experimental introduction of the key application of
- CC2430 基础实验二按键控制开关 让用户掌握 CC2430 的按键应用这一常用人机交互方法,本次实用两个分别控制两个LED 灯。-CC2430 experimental basis for the Second button control switch allows users to grasp the key CC2430 application of this commonly used method of human
- 温度控制器V1.51 显示为三个共阳极LED 温度传感器用单总线DS18B20 CPU为2051,三个按键,分别为UP,DOWN,SET 温度调节上限为125度,下限为-55度 只能用于单只18B20-Temperature Controller V1.51 for three common anode LED displays temperature sensor with single-bus DS18B20 C
- 本项目用AT89S52单片机的P1,P0口分别控制8个跑马灯,而P3与LED数码管相连,音乐采用蜂鸣器接P2.6输出,P2.1接模式切换按键,P2.4和P2.5分别接跑马灯加速和减速按键,在音乐播放时加速和减速按键可以控制音乐的切换。压缩文件中的仿真文件可用Proteus查看。-The project with the AT89S52 microcontroller P1, P0 port control 8 Marquee, resp
- 本次利用液晶扩展板(开发板)两个按键(S6、 S7)分别控制 CC2430 模块两个 LED灯亮灭。 -The use of LCD expansion board (board) two buttons (S6, S7), respectively, control the CC2430 module two LED lights off.
- 这个实验中使用液晶扩展板(开发板)两个按键(S6、 S7)分别控制 CC2430 模块两个 LED灯闪烁或熄灭。 -This experiment using the LCD expansion board (board) two buttons (S6, S7), respectively, control the CC2430 module or two LED lights blink off.
- STM32按键产生中断,两个按键分别控制两个LED灯的亮灭情况,主要描述STM32F103R8T6的外部中断控制问题!-STM32 key to generate an interrupt, two buttons control the light off of the two LED lights, describe STM32F103R8T6 external interrupt control problems!
- 让用户掌握CC2430 的按键应用这一常用人机交互方法,本次实用两个分别控制两个LED灯。-Button for the user to grasp the CC2430 application of this common human-computer interaction, this practical two control two LED lights.
- 用AT89C51单片机设计4个按键分别控制4个LED发光二级管的亮灭,按一次灭,再按一次灭。-Use AT89C51 design four buttons, respectively control four destroy the light of LED light emitting diode, according to a, press it again.
- 本次代码让你掌握按键应用这一常用人机交互方法,本次实用两个分别控制两个 LED 灯-The code allows you to master key applications commonly used in human-computer interaction method, the utility of two control two LED lights
- PC端按键控制开发板那led, W A S D四个键分别控制四个LED的不同两灭情况-turn off or on led by button
- 本设计是可编程作息时间控制器设计,由单片机AT89C51芯片和LCD、LED显示器,辅以必要的电路,构成一个单片机四路可调闹钟。按照给定的时间模拟控制,实现广播、上下课打铃、灯光控制(屏幕显示),同时具备日期和时钟显示。在这次设计中主要是用AT89S51来进行定时,4个按键的功能分别为:设置限制的时间/时的调整、显示闹钟设置的时间/分的调整、设置闹钟的时间/设置完成、闹钟更换。-This design is the programmab
- 基于msp430 ,通过四个独立按键分别控制两个led,此模块为独立按键模块-Based on msp430, control two led by four separate buttons, this module is an independent key module
- 一个dsp的示例程序,功能为实现两个按键分别控制两个led灯的点亮-a example for DSP28335,the function is that switching 2 leds turning on or off using 2 keys respectively
- 8个独立按键分别控制8个不同LED灯的工程文件-8 independent control keys are eight different LED lights project file