- CRT - Win32API CRT Version 1.12 Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Joergen Ibsen / Jibz All Rights Reserved http://www.ibsensoftware.com/ About -----
trees made to order
- We can number binary trees using the following scheme: The empty tree is numbered 0. The single-node tree is numbered 1. All binary trees having m nodes have numbers less than all those having m+1 nodes. An
how to obtain all swap information from a given HPUX 11.x PA-Risc server
- I yeild to the experts, the following code demonstrates how to obtain all swap information from a given HPUX 11.x PA-Risc server. It leverages the pstat routines to accomplish the task. However, I have on REALLY NAGGING
- ;生成界面上有三个按钮,Add**Move,为左键增加点,右键拖动点;Move**Add,为右键增加点,左键拖动点;Clear为清楚界面上所有的点和曲线! 其实这是我得一门选修课的作业!欢迎指教!- Generated interface has three buttons, Add** Move, increased points for the left, right drag the point Move** Add, for
- 笔者一直想寻求一种简单有效,且具备多线程断点续传的方法来实现点与点之间的文件传送问题,经过大量的翻阅资料与测试,终于实现了,现把它共享出来,与大家分享。-I have always wanted to find a simple and effective, but with multithreading HTTP methods to achieve point-to-point transmission of documents b
- 虚函数的使用。又一个有关VC++虚函数的源程序,比较适合VC++初学者。以后我上传一系列这种类型的源程序供大家学习之用。-virtual function use. The VC also a virtual function of the source, more suitable for beginners VC. After I uploaded a series of this type of source for all le
- 构造函数的重载。一个有关VC++构造函数重载的源程序,比较适合VC++初学者。以后我上传一系列这种类型的源程序供大家学习之用。-the Heavy Constructors. One of the Heavy Constructors VC source, more suitable for beginners VC. After I uploaded a series of this type of source for all le
- 带默认参数的构造函数。又一个有关VC++构造函数重载的源程序,比较适合VC++初学者。以后我上传一系列这种类型的源程序供大家学习之用。-with default parameters of Constructors. One of the Heavy Constructors VC source, more suitable for beginners VC. After I uploaded a series of this type
- 这是一个非常好的图形代码程序,希望能给大家一个帮助-This a very good graphics code procedures in the hope that we will all be a help!
- wavgain可以自动调整音频文件的增益,使得各个音频段具有同样的电平输出,在foobar上采用了这个算法。-wavgain can automatically adjust audio files gain, Audio of all makes have the same level of output in foobar used this algorithm.
- 当今的网络时代,下载软件是使用最为频繁的软件之一。几年来,下载技术也在不停地发展。最原始的下载功能仅仅是个“下载”过程,即从WEB服务器上连续地读取文件。其最大的问题是,由于网络的不稳定性,一旦连接断开使得下载过程中断,就不得不全部从头再来一次。 随后,“断点续传”的概念就出来了,顾名思义,就是如果下载中断,在重新建立连接后,跳过已经下载的部分,而只下载还没有下载的部分。 无论“多线程下载”技术是否洪以容先生的发明,洪以容使
- 测试矩阵操作 // 所有数据是按照MATLAB中的矩阵操作例子来进行的-Test matrix operation// All data is based on MATLAB examples of matrix operations for the
- libpng是多种应用程序使用的解析PNG图象格式的库,几乎支持所有的PNG特征-libpng is a wide range of analytic applications to use PNG image format library, supports almost all PNG features of
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- 在MPEG4 视频编码中,大家可以参考xvid程序来研究MPGE4,所以代码xvidcore-1.1.0-beta2.zip对大家非常有用的-In the MPEG4 video coding, we can refer to xvid procedures to study MPGE4, so the code xvidcore-1.1.0-beta2.zip very useful for all of us
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