- 一个模拟鸟群飞行的3D程序,鸟群可以大鸟吃小鸟,也可以飞翔或者降落-a simulated 3D flock flying procedures, the flock can eat the bird, the bird can also fly or landing
- 一个模拟鸟群飞行的3D程序,鸟群可以大鸟吃小鸟,也可以飞翔或者降落-a simulated 3D flock flying procedures, the flock can eat the bird, the bird can also fly or landing
- 运用JAVA语言用装饰者模式编写程序,计算小鸟飞行的计算距离。-The use of JAVA language programming with the trimmed model to calculate the calculation of the birds flying away.
- 该程序为汇编语言编写,模拟汽车和小鸟飞行!-The program is written in assembly language, simulation, and birds flying cars!
- 使用鼠标点击飞行中的小鸟的射击小游戏代码,包含MFC显示BITMAP格式图片以及如何传递鼠标消息的代码。-Use the mouse to click on a bird in flight shooting game code, including the MFC shows BITMAP format picture and how to pass the mouse message code.
- 按FIRE控制小鸟飞行避开障碍物。 若触碰到障碍物,则生命值减少1,直到生命值为0的时候,游戏结束。 -FIRE control by flying birds avoid obstacles. If you touch an obstacle, then the value of life decreased by 1, until the life-value of 0 when the game is over.
- 小鸟与汽车课程设计程序 小鸟飞行路径改为了向上飞-Bird flight paths of birds and automotive curriculum design process changed to fly up
- 游戏的程序共三个界面,包含的功能有:背景音乐的播放,按钮的点击,弹弓的移动,小鸟的发射,小鸟最终的飞行轨迹,小鸟飞行方向和范围的判断。-A total of three games program interface includes features include: background music, click on the button, slingshot move, launching birds, birds final
- 简单的粒子群优化程序,模拟鸟群飞行时合作,将每只小鸟比作一个粒子。粒子通过自己的历史最优值和所有粒子的最优值来调整自己的速度和位置,从而达到目的地。-Simple particle swarm optimization procedure, the simulation when flying birds, compared each bird to a particle. Particle optimal value through
- win32 console 的飞行小鸟的游戏。英文叫做flappy bird 很有市场。-win32 console game bird flight. English is called flappy bird market place.
- 像素鸟(flappy bird)由一位来自越南河内的独立游戏开发者阮哈东开发,是一款形式简易但难度极高的休闲游戏。简单但不粗糙的8比特像素画面、超级马里奥游戏中的水管、眼神有点呆滞的小鸟和几朵白云,白天夜晚两种模式便构成了游戏的一切。你需要不断控制点击屏幕的频率来调节小鸟的飞行高度和降落速度,让小鸟顺利地通过画面右端的通道,如果你不小心擦碰到了通道的话,游戏便宣告结束。-Pixel Bird (flappy bird) by an in
- 通过windows编程,实现一个动画实验,在屏幕上画一只小鸟不断飞行,到了屏幕右边之后又从屏幕坐标飞。-Through windows programming, to achieve an animation experiment, draw a bird on the screen constantly flying to the right and from the screen after screen coordinates f
- 游戏中用中键控制小鸟上下飞行,按住可以向上,松开会自动下落,从而躲过各种障碍,最后完成全程即可过关。在飞行过程中,还有很多道具哦,它们会带来不一样的惊喜哦。-Games using the up and down keys to control the bird fly, or hold up release will automatically fall, and thus escape various obstacles, fina
- 这是一款小游戏,有UI界面,点击鼠标可以控制小鸟的飞行,是很好玩的游戏。-This is a small game that has UI interface, click the mouse to control the bird s flight is very fun game.
- Flappy Bird电脑版是一款可以在PC端玩的Flappy Bird小游戏,玩家在Flappy Bird网页上可以操控小鸟飞行且避开绿色的管道。如果小鸟碰到了障碍物,游戏就会结束。每当小鸟飞过一组管道,玩家就会获得一分。 请使用Chrome或Firefox浏览器打开游戏,万恶的IE浏览器有可能不支持Flappy Bird电脑版游戏-Bird Flappy is a computer version of the game
Fly Bird
- 该游戏使用java语言实现,通过鼠标点击界面可使小鸟提高飞行高度,通过随机生成的障碍,可获得相应分数,操作简易(The game uses Java language, click the mouse can make birds improve flight height, through random generation of obstacles, you can get the corresponding scores, The
- 在《FlappyBird》这款游戏中,玩家只需要用一根手指来操控,点击触摸屏幕,小鸟就会往上飞,不断的点击就会不断的往高处飞。放松手指,则会快速下降。所以玩家要控制小鸟一直向前飞行,然后注意躲避途中高低不平的管子。 1、在游戏开始后,点击屏幕,要记住是有间歇的点击屏幕,不要让小鸟掉下来。 2、尽量保持平和的心情,点的时候不要下手太重,尽量注视着小鸟。 3、游戏的得分是,小鸟安全穿过一个柱子且不撞上就是1分。当然撞上就直
- java实现简单的小鸟躲避障碍游戏翻译,易操作(The classic card game realized through Java and a round card game realized through PK)
- 飞行小鸟程序设计,可以帮助大家熟悉代码,完成设计,体验设计(C language homework small bird program design, can help people to familiarity with the code)
- 一个课堂上做得小游戏 用鼠标单机控制小鸟的飞行确保不撞到柱子和地面,游戏有三个状态开始界面 和游戏状态和game over界面 图片是开始界面(A game played in class is controlled by a single mouse to ensure that the birds do not bump into the pillars and the ground. The game has three stat