- 我找了许多的吹的天花乱坠的c#处理excel的例子,用这个一举成功,少走了许多弯路。之所以选择此方法,是因为代码简单,行数最少,没有什么复杂的代理什么的复杂代码,小白专用。我对每一句代码用心标注,全是汉字。你们拿去修改一下就能用了。好了,够诚意了吧!-c# with the dll of EPPLUS it can easily handle excel.by the way,it has the least and easiest
EPPlus 4.1
- C#等操作Excel文件的强大的免费库 经过对比 EEplus比较好用 从Book,Sheet,Cell各方面都可以灵活操作 颜色,线,单元格各种格式都可以很好的控制(C# and other powerful libraries for operating Excel files By comparison, EEplus is easier to use From Book, Sheet, Cell can flexibly ope
- 涉及到大量excel数据转换排列方式等等,可以利用epplus进行ecel读取操作,效率挺高的(Involving a large number of Excel data conversion arrangements, and so on, epplus can be used for ecel read operation, the efficiency is very high)