- 本工程使用Visul stdio 2008 编写。MFC窜口通信,来控制舵机 ,使舵机连接的接受保持水平。本设计使用MPU6050六轴传感器,来读收不姿态变化。-The project uses Visul stdio write 2008. MFC channeling port communications, to control the steering, so that servos connected to maintain
- 在STM32F407上实现姿态的检测,通过该程序可以求得3轴角速度和角加速度(The attitude detection is realized on STM32F407, and the 3 axis angular velocity and angular acceleration can be obtained by this program)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 使用STM32F4来驱动MPU6050,读取其原始数据,并利用其自带的DMP实现姿态解算,结合匿名四轴上位机软件和LCD显示(Using STM32F4 to drive MPU6050, read its original data, and use its own DMP to realize attitude calculation, combined with anonymous four axis PC software an
- 实验器材: 探索者STM32F4开发板 实验目的: 学习MPU6050 六轴传感器(三轴加速度+三轴陀螺仪)的使用. 硬件资源: 1,DS0(连接在PF9) 2,串口1(波特率:115200,PA9/PA10连接在板载USB转串口芯片CH340上面) 3,ALIENTEK 2.8/3.5/4.3/7寸TFTLCD模块(通过FSMC驱动,FSMC_NE4接LCD片选/A6接RS) 4,KEY0按键(