JSON数据ListView展示是一个通过httpclient访问ashx服务获取到返回的JSON数据并展示到ListView的例子源码,涉及到的技术有:httpclient、json解析、listview、图片异步加载、例子会在第一次加载完成以后保存listview数据,方便下次从本地获取,不用到服务器获取。框架使用了传统的mvc分层,结构比较清晰,源码有注释,方便新手学习和理解。注意:例子的服务端JSON数据是在这里获取的http://m.bitauto.com/appapi/News/List.ashx/如果在某一天这个地址挂了,你也可以把目录下的“返回的json数据.html”上传到一个你可以访问到的地址,在例子内更改调用地址查看演示。 -High imitation 360 security guards Android client source code has been modeled on the function or UI has a mobile phone cleaning: a key to clean up, memory optimization, since the start of management, garbage clean-up, clean up the privacy of the package, clean up, etc.. Harassment interception: black and white list of SMS interception and setting. Power saving management: battery information read display, battery animation display. Flow monitoring: flow calibration, networking firewall, flow charts, etc.. Malicious ad blocking: the scan and intercept of the ad plugin. Safety: two-dimensional code scanning two-dimensional code cool custom interface, the time of scanning will default to open flash. The remaining functions need not yet developed, friends can download a look