In numerous application areas, including biomedical engineering, radar, sonar and digital communi-
cations, the goal is to extract a useful signal corrupted by interferences and noises. Noise/interference
removal is facilitated when multiple sensors on dierent locations record the biomedical phe-
nomenon simultaneously.
For instance in recordings taken from the mother s skin during pregnancy, the electrical activity
from the fetal heartbeat can be masked by the stronger maternal cardiac activity. In electrocar-
diogram (ECG) recordings from atrial brillation suerers, the electrical activity from the atria
appears mixed with that from the ventricles. In electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings from
epileptic patients, epileptic discharges and the brain s background activity contribute simultane-
ously to the signals measured by scalp electrodes, and can be further corrupted by artifacts such
as eye blinks or body movements.
cations, the goal is to extract a useful signal corrupted by interferences and noises. Noise/interference
removal is facilitated when multiple sensors on dierent locations record the biomedical phe-
nomenon simultaneously.
For instance in recordings taken from the mother s skin during pregnancy, the electrical activity
from the fetal heartbeat can be masked by the stronger maternal cardiac activity. In electrocar-
diogram (ECG) recordings from atrial brillation suerers, the electrical activity from the atria
appears mixed with that from the ventricles. In electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings from
epileptic patients, epileptic discharges and the brain s background activity contribute simultane-
ously to the signals measured by scalp electrodes, and can be further corrupted by artifacts such
as eye blinks or body movements.