BLSQL即BlackLight SQL数据库系统,BLSQL具有自动索引,使用简单,备份方便等特点,它可以完美的和PHP程序结合,建设出实用高效的PHP站点。在与MYSQL的对比测试中,在数据库不大于50M时,无论是在cpu耗用还是在内存使用中,BLSQL都具有独特的优势。
-BLSQL the BlackLight SQL database system, BLSQL with automatic indexing, easy to use, backup and convenient, it can be the perfect combination and the PHP program and building a practical and efficient PHP site. In comparison tests with MYSQL, the database is not greater than 50M, whether it is consumed in the cpu or memory usage, BLSQL have a unique advantage.
-BLSQL the BlackLight SQL database system, BLSQL with automatic indexing, easy to use, backup and convenient, it can be the perfect combination and the PHP program and building a practical and efficient PHP site. In comparison tests with MYSQL, the database is not greater than 50M, whether it is consumed in the cpu or memory usage, BLSQL have a unique advantage.