本文介绍了四路智力抢答器的分模块设计电路及各模块的逻辑功能及其电路和波形展示。所设计的抢答器除了基本的锁存和复位功能外,还有其它功能:席位灯亮且扬声器响提示抢答成功;数码显示选手号码和两个倒计时(抢答和回答);倒计时可设定(根据需要对计数器置数);抢答倒计时可暂停,对同一道题可多次抢答直至计时归零时响警报;回答倒计时有5秒倒计时警报等。这些功能都使得该器件更加贴近现实,更加智能化、人性化-In this paper, it introduces that 4-wire answering device circuit designed by module, and the logical function of them with the display of the circuit and waveform. The device is no more than the lock and reset function: the seat light and the speaker clued on reply successful displaying of the player number and the count down timer the timer can be set up by design the reply count down timer can be paused, for that one question could be replied more than once until the timer run to zero and speaker work there are 5 seconds alarming during answering etc. All these functions would make the device close to praxis, more brainpower and more humanistic.