[其他书籍] Unix编程应答
说明: 这份文档不是 FAQ(Frequently Answered Question),不少问题属于 FUQ(Freque-
ntly Unanswered Question)。换句话说,不一定是最常见的编程、应用问答,很可
<robin112233> 在 2008-12-29 上传
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[电子书籍] oracle 10g 培训资料
说明:oracle 10g 培训资料-training materials<廖冰> 在 2024-11-03 上传 | 大小:326656 | 下载:0
[电子书籍] LinuxCmdSet(PerfectVersion)
说明:本书是关于Linux命令的分类集合,主要针对已有的《Linux命令宝典大全》及《Linux_CmdList》的不足----目录名称太长(包含有网站名称)以至于不便查找----进行了改进,使之简洁而实用。-the book is on the order of Linux clustering. has been targeted at the "Linux book orders Solutions" and &qu<river_side> 在 2024-11-03 上传 | 大小:326656 | 下载:0
[电子书籍] Direct3D9(C++)000
说明:学习Direct3D9初级教程(C++)的好东西,是c++版的-Learning Guide Direct3D9 primary (C++) Good things c++ Version<hjhjh> 在 2024-11-03 上传 | 大小:326656 | 下载:0
[VC/C++相关] A Critique of C++ and Programming and Language Trends of the 1990
说明:This is now the third edition of this critique; it has been four years since the last edition. The main factor to precipitate a new edition is that there are now more environments and languages available that rectify<jatopiw> 在 2019-10-29 上传 | 大小:325790 | 下载:0