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<1085226696@qq.com> 在 2009-11-11 上传 | 大小:94463 | 下载:0

[PHP相关PHP and MySQL Web Development

说明:PHP and MySQL 网路开发第四版 luke Welling
<TepidWater> 在 2012-03-13 上传 | 大小:11955888 | 下载:0


<yushaowen> 在 2012-05-12 上传 | 大小:91238295 | 下载:0


说明:Pro PHP Security is arguably the most comprehensive PHP security book available, and is highly recommended to any developer or administrator of a PHP-based Web site. — Michael J. Ross, Web developer/Slashdot contributor
<sunshine1988> 在 2012-05-17 上传 | 大小:3714563 | 下载:0


说明:完整WordPress模板制作教程 一个不错的PHPweb网站管理系统
<jiuqiufeng@163.com> 在 2013-12-02 上传 | 大小:72705 | 下载:0

[PHP相关Learning PHP, MySQL JavaScript - With jQuery, CSS HTML5_5th_Edition by Robin Nixon

说明:This book is for people who wish to learn how to create effective and dynamic web‐ sites. This may include webmasters or graphic designers who are already creating static websites but wish to take their skills to the n
<mmymail@tutanota.com> 在 2020-12-17 上传 | 大小:15716415 | 下载:0

[PHP相关Peter MacIntyre, Kevin Tatroe - Programming PHP (March 2020, O'Reilly Media, Inc.

说明:As this book goes to press, PHP version 7.3 has been released for some time. Therehave already been a few minor “dot” releases, and the stability of this current versionis quite high. As you will see in this book, there
<mewax39796@87708b.com> 在 2021-05-03 上传 | 大小:4373461 | 下载:0

[PHP相关35 скриптов

说明:Примеры для создания скриптов.
<odeskin> 在 2022-01-04 上传 | 大小:1624739 | 下载:0

[PHP相关Architecture of complex web applications (Adel F.)

说明:Official russian translation
<lesserg> 在 2022-05-24 上传 | 大小:1404856 | 下载:0

[PHP相关Learning PHP programming languaje

说明:The PHP programming language makes it easy to build dynamic web sites. Whatever interactive excitement you want to create—such as a product catalog, a blog, a photo album, or an event calendar—PHP is up to the task. An
<dampro@gmail.com> 在 2022-06-16 上传 | 大小:1328782 | 下载:0

[PHP相关Curso PHPNuke

说明:El objetivo de este curso es mostrar una herramienta de uso general que promueva el uso de internet en el ámbito educativo. Esta herramienta es PHPNuke.
<dampro@gmail.com> 在 2022-06-16 上传 | 大小:519029 | 下载:0

[PHP相关Bar Charts With GD

说明:In this tutorial, I will give ideas on how the graphics capabilities of PHP can be used to create simple bar charts in GIF and PNG format. I will briefly touch on non-graphics alternatives as well. My objective is to sho
<dampro@gmail.com> 在 2022-06-16 上传 | 大小:47317 | 下载:0
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