本宝典的制作目的是为按键精灵的脚本编写爱好者,提供一个尽量详尽的脚本函数与命令大全,以方便广大按键脚本编写的爱好者。为了达成这个目标,本宝典作者对所有资料进行了统一整理和进一步修改完善。-Quick Macro (QMacro) is an intelligent software to record, replay and edit keyboard & mouse macros. It has easy-to-use scr ipt editing interface for novice users to quickly create macros. It also has programmable macro scr ipt editing interface for professional programmers to program macro scr ipt in VB scr ipt language. Quick Macro can be used for Windows automation scheduler, network management, game auto-playing and many many ways.
相关搜索: 按键精灵
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