行号由1开始计数。该文档中单词总量不超过200,每个单词长度最大不超过20个字符。-" Cross-reference generator" (cross-refrencer) refers to the procedure with the following features: the input of a document, all occurrences of the word statistics and the line number. The results in the prescribed form of its output. 【】 Program from file input form crossin.txt read a document. The document consists of several lines, each line contains a series of words. Line numbers start counting from 1. The document does not exceed 200 words in total, the maximum length of each word not more than 20 characters.
行号由1开始计数。该文档中单词总量不超过200,每个单词长度最大不超过20个字符。-" Cross-reference generator" (cross-refrencer) refers to the procedure with the following features: the input of a document, all occurrences of the word statistics and the line number. The results in the prescribed form of its output. 【】 Program from file input form crossin.txt read a document. The document consists of several lines, each line contains a series of words. Line numbers start counting from 1. The document does not exceed 200 words in total, the maximum length of each word not more than 20 characters.