The Bipolar Power Transistor (BPT), as a switching device for power applications, had a few disadvantages.
This led to the development of the power MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field
Effect Transistor). The power MOSFET is used in many applications such as SMPS (Switched
Mode Power Supplies), computer peripherals, automotive, and motor control. Continuous research
and improvement have provided it with ideal characteristics for replacing the BJT (Bipolar Junction
Transistor).This application note is a general descr iption of power MOSFETs and a detailed presentation
of items from FSC’s data book specifications.
This led to the development of the power MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field
Effect Transistor). The power MOSFET is used in many applications such as SMPS (Switched
Mode Power Supplies), computer peripherals, automotive, and motor control. Continuous research
and improvement have provided it with ideal characteristics for replacing the BJT (Bipolar Junction
Transistor).This application note is a general descr iption of power MOSFETs and a detailed presentation
of items from FSC’s data book specifications.