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说明:把格雷码转换成十六进制的C语言程序,用来读取编码器的值-Gray code put into hexadecimal C Programming Language, used to read the value encoder
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说明:这是一个串口的程序,用于串口通讯,源代码-This is a serial procedures for serial communication, the source code
<syb> 在 2024-05-01 上传 | 大小:1024 | 下载:0


说明:这是一个中断的程序,用于中断的实现,源代码-This is a suspension of the proceedings for the suspension of the realization of the source code
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说明:串口发送modbus协议CRC校验低字节(若为查表所得数据为高字节,其实为CRC的低字节)-serial modbus connection agreement low byte CRC (if available for look-up table for the high-byte data, In fact, for low-byte CRC)
<小刚> 在 2024-05-01 上传 | 大小:1024 | 下载:0


说明:CY7C68013中的固件程序,用于将程序上传到芯片的RAM中 -CY7C68013 the firmware procedures used to process uploaded to the RAM chip
<叶青> 在 2024-05-01 上传 | 大小:1024 | 下载:0


说明:W78E516B从64k程序空间对4K程序空间编程的子函数-W78E516B procedures space from 64k to 4K procedures space program Functions
<吕源> 在 2024-05-01 上传 | 大小:1024 | 下载:0


说明:飞利浦ARMLPC2132内置的10位ADC程序设计实例,采用查询方式获取结果。-Philips ARMLPC2132 built-in 10-bit ADC program design, using inquiry to obtain results.
<张军> 在 2024-05-01 上传 | 大小:1024 | 下载:0


说明:LPC2132和周立功语音芯片ISD1420设计程序,语音播放采用分段方式。-LPC2132 and Zhou, who ISD1420 voice chip design procedures Voice broadcast using section-by-section approach.
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说明:利用定时器,产生软件看门狗,ob0用到的数据,如A/D采集的数据,一共5组,每组3个,其中一个有效,其余2个备用。-use timer, produce software watchdog, ob0 to use the data, such as A/D data acquisition. A total of five teams, each comprising three, one of the effective, and t
<天峰> 在 2024-05-01 上传 | 大小:1024 | 下载:0


说明:c51用串口通信源码,包括调试 1.发送:向总线上发命令 2.接收:从总线接收命令,并分析是地址还是数据。 3.定时发送:从内存中取数并向主机发送.-decoder serial communication with the source code, including a debugger. Send : Bus made to order two. Acceptance : Bus from receiving orde
<zjf> 在 2024-05-01 上传 | 大小:1024 | 下载:0


说明:实现对DS18B20的读取,注意:单总线协议对延时要求比较严格,此程序中采用的是11.0592M的晶振,如果使用其他的晶振请跟据DS18B20的资料修改延时参数 -DS18B20 achieve the right read, attention : single bus protocol to delay more stringent requirements, This procedure is used in the M 11
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说明:TLC0831A8位A/D转换器所使用的C语言驱动程序,自己修改-TLC0831A8 spaces A/D converters used in the C language driver, his amendment
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